
the Robot Construction Kit


There are two options for you to contribute packages to Rock:

  • make your package a part of Rock ‘proper’, i.e., of the Rock package set
  • create your own package set

This page will describe the process for both options.

Add your package to Rock

As a side note, it is important that you realize that your library can be integrated into Rock without any changes to your library. The Rock build system is designed for that, as long as it follows widely-accepted standards (see for instance the “Build System Behaviour” section of the corresponding Rock guidelines). Even the manifest.xml file, which is used to describe the package, can be provided as part of the package set instead of as part of the package itself.

The process to get a package into Rock is:

  • locally modify the Rock package set (in autoproj/remotes/rock) to define your package. The package should go in the libs.autobuild file if it is a library and in the orogen.autobuild file if it is an oroGen package.
  • commit these changes
  • send these changes to the Rock developers. Make sure that the purpose of the package(s) is clear.
  • at this point, there is the option of putting the source code within Rock’s github projects. While it is not mandatory, it is the preferred option. The Rock developers will be in touch with you to discuss this (either through the rock-users mailing list or through the merge request / ticket you created)

Publish your package set in Rock

If you have integrated more than one package, and want to keep control over these packages (i.e., you want them to appear to be a separate contribution from your company / research institute), there is the possibility to submit a package set. This package set will be added to Rock’s default build configuration, and will be integrated into the Rock package directory.

The process to submit a package set is:

  • send the link and description of the package set to the rock-users mailing list
  • wait for a Rock developer to pick up on that