Module: Rock::WidgetTemplate
- Defined in:
- lib/rock/templates/widget_generator/templates.rb
ERB Templates for Rock::DesignerPluginGenerator (used by rock-create-widget)
Constant Summary collapse
%{set(CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR ON) SET(MOC_HDRS <%= @widget_klassname %>.hpp <%= @plugin_klassname %>.hpp ) SET(HDRS <%= @widget_klassname %>.hpp ) FILE(GLOB SRCS *.cpp ) FILE(GLOB UI_FILES *.ui ) SET(QtApp_RCCS resources.qrc) rock_vizkit_widget(<%= @widget_klassname %> SOURCES ${SRCS} ${QtApp_RCC_SRCS} HEADERS ${HDRS} MOC ${MOC_HDRS} DEPS_PKGCONFIG QtCore QtGui UI ${UI_FILES} ) QT4_ADD_RESOURCES(QtApp_RCC_SRCS ${QtApp_RCCS}) }
- QRC =
%{<!DOCTYPE RCC><RCC version="1.0"> <qresource> <% if not @icon_path.empty? %> <file><%= @icon_path %></file> <% end %> </qresource> </RCC> }
%{#ifndef <%= @plugin_klassname.upcase %>_HPP #define <%= @plugin_klassname.upcase %>_HPP #include <QtGui> #include <QtDesigner/QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface> class <%= @plugin_klassname %> : public QObject, public QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface { Q_OBJECT Q_INTERFACES(QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface) public: <%= @plugin_klassname %>(QObject *parent = 0); virtual ~<%= @plugin_klassname %>(); bool isContainer() const; bool isInitialized() const; QIcon icon() const; QString domXml() const; QString group() const; QString includeFile() const; QString name() const; QString toolTip() const; QString whatsThis() const; QWidget* createWidget(QWidget *parent); void initialize(QDesignerFormEditorInterface *core); private: bool initialized; }; #endif /* <%= @plugin_klassname.upcase %>_HPP */ }
%{#include "<%= @plugin_klassname %>.hpp" #include "<%= @widget_klassname %>.hpp" Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2(<%= @widget_klassname %>, <%= @plugin_klassname %>) <%= @plugin_klassname %>::<%= @plugin_klassname %>(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { initialized = false; } <%= @plugin_klassname %>::~<%= @plugin_klassname %>() { } bool <%= @plugin_klassname %>::isContainer() const { return false; } bool <%= @plugin_klassname %>::isInitialized() const { return initialized; } QIcon <%= @plugin_klassname %>::icon() const { return QIcon("<%= @icon_path %>"); } QString <%= @plugin_klassname %>::domXml() const { return "<ui language=\\"c++\\">\\n" " <widget class=\\"<%= @widget_klassname %>\\" name=\\"<%= @widget_klassname.downcase %>\\">\\n" " <property name=\\"geometry\\">\\n" " <rect>\\n" " <x>0</x>\\n" " <y>0</y>\\n" " <width>300</width>\\n" " <height>120</height>\\n" " </rect>\\n" " </property>\\n" // " <property name=\\"toolTip\\" >\\n" // " <string><%= @widget_klassname %></string>\\n" // " </property>\\n" // " <property name=\\"whatsThis\\" >\\n" // " <string><%= @widget_klassname %></string>\\n" // " </property>\\n" " </widget>\\n" "</ui>\\n"; } QString <%= @plugin_klassname %>::group() const { return "Rock-Robotics"; } QString <%= @plugin_klassname %>::includeFile() const { return "<%= @widget_klassname %>/<%= @widget_klassname %>.hpp"; } QString <%= @plugin_klassname %>::name() const { return "<%= @widget_klassname %>"; } QString <%= @plugin_klassname %>::toolTip() const { return whatsThis(); } QString <%= @plugin_klassname %>::whatsThis() const { return "<%= @whats_this %>"; } QWidget* <%= @plugin_klassname %>::createWidget(QWidget *parent) { return new <%= @widget_klassname %>(parent); } void <%= @plugin_klassname %>::initialize(QDesignerFormEditorInterface *core) { if (initialized) return; initialized = true; } }
%{#ifndef <%= @widget_klassname.upcase %>_HPP #define <%= @widget_klassname.upcase %>_HPP #include <QtGui> class <%= @widget_klassname %> : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: <%= @widget_klassname %>(QWidget *parent = 0); virtual ~<%= @widget_klassname %>(); }; #endif /* <%= @widget_klassname.upcase %>_HPP */ }
%{#include "<%= @widget_klassname %>.hpp" <%= @widget_klassname %>::<%= @widget_klassname %>(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { resize(300,120); QLabel *label = new QLabel("Rock 'n Robots!"); label->setFont(QFont("Verdana", 20)); label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); QVBoxLayout vbox(this); vbox.addWidget(label); vbox.setAlignment(Qt::AlignVCenter); show(); } <%= @widget_klassname %>::~<%= @widget_klassname %>() { } }
%{#include <QtGui/QApplication> #include "<%= @widget_klassname %>.hpp" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); <%= @widget_klassname %> <%= @widget_klassname.downcase %>; <%= @widget_klassname.downcase %>.show(); return app.exec(); } }
%{ Vizkit::UiLoader::extend_cplusplus_widget_class "<%= @widget_klassname %>" do #called when the widget is created def initialize_vizkit_extension #activate Typelib transport via qt slots extend Vizkit::QtTypelibExtension end #called each time vizkit wants to display a new #port with this widget def config(value,options) end #called each time new data are available on the #orocos port connected to the widget the name is #custom and can be set via register_widget_for def update(sample,port_name) #mySlot(sample) end end # register widget for a specific Typelib type to be # accessible via rock tooling (rock-replay,...) # multiple register_widget_for are allowed for each widget # Vizkit::UiLoader.register_widget_for("<%= @widget_klassname %>","/base/Angle",:update) }
%{ require "vizkit" widget = Vizkit.default_loader.<%= @widget_klassname %> Vizkit.exec }