
the Robot Construction Kit

Moving to bundles


The following three tutorials will implement the same “rock controlled by a joystick” than previous tutorials, but using the model-based approach.

First of all, we’ll introduce the concept of bundles.

In Rock, bundles offer a “functional” view to the available functionality, i.e. instead of viewing only single components, bundles gather scripts, configuration files and tools which are needed to run (sub)systems.

In practice, bundles are Rock packages and they - most importantly - contain the following:

  • ruby scripts (to run sets of components) - contained in the scripts/ folder
  • configuration files for oroGen tasks - contained in the config/orogen/ folder
  • models (including, but not limited to, for the system management layer)
  • data converter and data analysis scripts
  • datasets needed to run the system (as e.g. location information, maps, …)

This list is incomplete, since bundles can contain arbitrary content and tools which support (sub)systems.

See this page for more information on bundles.

In this tutorial, we will create a new bundle ‘tutorial’ and start developing in it.

It is assumed that your autoproj installation can be found in ~/dev.

Create the bundle

Create a new directory bundles/tutorial from the root of the rock installation by going in bundles/ and doing

cd ~/dev/bundles
rock-create-bundle tutorial
cd tutorial
syskit init
# This normally not something you want to do
mv config/bundle.yml config/bundle-yml.bak

Logs in bundles

When working with bundles, the component output, data logs and system management logs are always saved in the logs/ folder, using a subfolder which matches the time at which the process that generated the logs started (for example: 20111025-1105 for 25/10/2011 11:05). The directory containing the latest logs (or the logs that are currently being generated) are symlinked from logs/current.

Move on to the next tutorial

We’re prepared, let’s now dive into building a model-based application