Class: OroGen::Spec::TaskContext
- Inherits:
- Object
- OroGen::Spec::TaskContext
- Defined in:
- lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb
Model of a task context, i.e. a task context interface
The corresponding code generation support is done in Gen::RTT_CPP::TaskContextGeneration
Direct Known Subclasses
Constant Summary collapse
[ :toplevel, :runtime, :error, :fatal, :exception ]
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#dynamic_ports ⇒ Object
A set of Port objects that can be created at runtime.
#extensions ⇒ Object
Set of extensions registered for this task.
#implemented_classes ⇒ Object
A set of classes the TaskContext has to implement as well.
#name ⇒ Object
The task name.
#project ⇒ Project
The oroGen project this task is part of.
#superclass ⇒ Object
The subclass of TaskContext which should be used to define this class.
#uses_qt ⇒ Object
True if QT is used within this Task.
Class Method Summary collapse
.apply_default_extensions(task_context) ⇒ Object
Apply the currently enabled default extension on the given task context model.
.blank(name = nil) ⇒ Object
Returns a blank task context model, possibly with a name.
.default_extensions ⇒ Object
The set of extensions that should be applied when a task context is created.
.pop_default_extensions_state ⇒ Object
Pop the extensions enabled at this level, reverting to the list before the last call to #push_default_extensions_state.
.push_default_extensions_state(extensions) ⇒ Object
Make the given list of extensions the default until the next #pop_default_extensions_state.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#abstract ⇒ Object
Call to declare that this task model is not meant to run in practice.
#abstract? ⇒ Boolean
True if this task model is only meant to declare an interface, and should not be deployed.
- #all_ports ⇒ Object
#ancestors ⇒ Object
Returns the task context models that are in this model's ancestry.
#attribute(name, type, default_value = nil) ⇒ Object
:method: self_attributes :call-seq: self_attributes -> set_of_attributes.
#check_uniqueness(name) ⇒ Object
Raises ArgumentError if an object named
is already present in the set attributeset_name
. - #configuration_object(klass, name, type, default_value) ⇒ Object
#default_activity ⇒ Object
:method: default_activity :call-seq: default_activity 'activity_type', *args.
#define_state(name, type) ⇒ Object
Internal method for state definition.
#doc ⇒ Object
:method: doc :call-seq: doc => string doc “documentation string” Gets or sets the documentation string for this task context.
#dynamic_input_port(name, type) ⇒ Object
call-seq: dynamic_input_port name_regex, typename.
#dynamic_output_port(name, type) ⇒ Object
call-seq: dynamic_output_port name_regex, typename.
#dynamic_port ⇒ Object
:method: self_dynamic_ports :call-seq: self_dynamic_ports -> set_of_ports.
#each_dynamic_input_port(only_self = false) ⇒ Object
:method: each_dynamic_input_port :call-seq: each_dynamic_port(only_self = false) { |port| }.
#each_dynamic_output_port(only_self = false) ⇒ Object
:method: each_dynamic_output_port :call-seq: each_dynamic_output_port(only_self = false) { |port| }.
#each_extension(with_subclasses = true, &block) ⇒ Object
Enumerates the extensions registered on this task model, as (name, extension_object) pairs.
#each_interface_type ⇒ Object
Enumerate all the types that are used on this component's interface.
#each_port(&block) ⇒ Object
Enumerates both the input and output ports.
#each_state(with_superclass: true) {|name, type| ... } ⇒ Object
Enumerates each state defined on this task context.
#error_states(*state_names) ⇒ Object
Declares a certain number of runtime error states.
#exception_states(*state_names) ⇒ Object
Declares a certain number of exception states.
#extended_state_support ⇒ Object
Asks orogen to implement the extended state support interface in the Base class.
#extended_state_support? ⇒ Boolean
True if the extended state support is enabled.
#extension(name, with_subclasses = true) ⇒ Object
Returns the extension named
, or raises ArgumentError if none is registered with that name. -
#external_definition=(value) ⇒ Object
True if this task context is defined by one of our dependencies.
#external_definition? ⇒ Boolean
True if this task context is defined by one of our dependencies.
#fatal_states(*state_names) ⇒ Object
Declares a certain number of fatal error states.
#fd_driven ⇒ Object
Declares that this task context is designed to be woken up when new data is available on a I/O file descriptor.
#fd_driven? ⇒ Boolean
True if this task context's default activity is a FD-driven activity.
#find_dynamic_input_ports(name, type) ⇒ Object
Returns the set of dynamic input port definitions that match the given name and type pair.
#find_dynamic_output_ports(name, type) ⇒ Object
Returns the set of dynamic output port definitions that match the given name and type pair.
#find_extension(name, with_subclasses = true) ⇒ Object
Returns the extension named
, or nil if there is none. -
#find_port(name, type = nil) ⇒ Object
Finds a port with the given name, and optionally type.
#fixed_initial_state ⇒ Object
Declares that the initial state of this class cannot be specified.
#fixed_initial_state? ⇒ Boolean
If true, then the initial state of this class cannot be specified.
#has_dynamic_attributes? ⇒ Boolean
Return true if this task interface has an dynamic property.
#has_dynamic_input_port?(name, type = nil) ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if there is an input port definition that match the given name and type pair.
#has_dynamic_output_port?(name, type = nil) ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if an output port of the given name and type could be created at runtime.
#has_dynamic_port?(name, type) ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if there is a dynamic port definition that matches the given name and type pair.
#has_dynamic_properties? ⇒ Boolean
Return true if this task interface has an dynamic property.
#has_extension?(name, with_subclasses = true) ⇒ Boolean
True if an extension with the given name has been registered.
#has_input_port?(name) ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if this task interface has a port named 'name'.
#has_output_port?(name) ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if this task interface has a port named 'name'.
#has_port?(name, type = nil) ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if this task interface has a port named 'name'.
#has_property?(name) ⇒ Boolean
True if this task has a property with that name.
#hidden_operation(name, body = nil) ⇒ Object
Defines an operation whose implementation is in the Base class (i.e. “hidden” from the user).
#implements(name, include_file = nil) ⇒ Object
Declares that this task context is also a subclass of the following class.
#implements?(name) ⇒ Boolean
True if the task context implements a parent class which matches
. -
#initialize(project, name = nil, subclasses: project.default_task_superclass) ⇒ TaskContext
Create a new task context in the given project and with the given name.
- #initialize_copy(from) ⇒ Object
#input_port(name, type, options = ⇒ Object
call-seq: input_port 'name', '/type'.
- #inspect ⇒ Object
#loader ⇒ Loaders::Base
The loader that has been used to load this task context.
#make_property_dynamic(name) ⇒ Property
Make an existing property dynamic.
#merge_ports_from(other_model, name_mappings = ⇒ Object
Add in
the ports ofother_model
that don't exist. -
#needs_configuration ⇒ Object
Declares that this task needs to be configured before it is started (i.e. its initial state will be PreOperational instead of Stopped).
#needs_configuration? ⇒ Boolean
If true, the task context will start in the PreOperational state, and will not be able to run until configure() has been called and returned true.
#new_operations ⇒ Object
Operations that are added by this task context (i.e. operations that are defined there but are not present in the superclass).
#operation(name) ⇒ Object
:operation: self_operations :call-seq: self_operations -> set_of_operations.
#output_port(name, type, options = ⇒ Object
call-seq: output_port 'name', '/type'.
#periodic(period) ⇒ Object
Declares that this task should be deployed using a default periodic activity, with the given period.
#port_driven(*names) ⇒ Object
Declares that this task context is designed to be woken up when new data is available on one of the given ports (or all already defined ports if no names are given).
- #pretty_print(pp) ⇒ Object
- #pretty_print_interface(pp, name, set) ⇒ Object
#property(name, type, default_value = nil) ⇒ Object
:method: self_properties :call-seq: self_properties -> set_of_properties.
#register_extension(obj) ⇒ Object
Registers an extension with the given name.
#reports(*state_names) ⇒ Object
Declares a certain number of reports.
#required_activity ⇒ Object
:method: required_activity :call-seq: required_activity 'activity_type', *args.
#required_activity=(value) ⇒ Object
:method: required_activity?.
#required_activity? ⇒ Object
:method: required_activity?.
#ro_ptr(name) ⇒ Object
This method is an easier way use boost::shared_ptr in a task context interface.
#root_model ⇒ Object
Declares that this task context is a root model and does not have a superclass.
#runtime_states(*state_names) ⇒ Object
Declares a certain number of runtime states.
- #self_ports ⇒ Object
#shared_ptr(name) ⇒ Object
This method is an easier way use boost::shared_ptr in a task context interface.
#state?(name) ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if the given state name is already used.
#state_kind(name) ⇒ Object
Returns what kind of state
is. -
#states(*state_names) ⇒ Object
use toplevel_state to define toplevel states on root models, and #each_state to enumerate the states
#subclasses(task_context) ⇒ Object
Declares that this task context is a subclass of the following TaskContext class.
#to_dot ⇒ Object
Generate a graphviz fragment to represent this task.
#to_h ⇒ Hash
Converts this model into a representation that can be fed to e.g.
- #to_s ⇒ Object
#toplevel_states(*state_names) ⇒ Object
Define the state machine's toplevel states, usually used only on a root model.
#type ⇒ Object
:method: each_fatal_state.
- #use_qt ⇒ Object
- #uses_qt? ⇒ Boolean
#worstcase_processing_time ⇒ Object
:method: worstcase_processing_time :call-seq: worstcase_processing_time => value worstcase_processing_time value.
Constructor Details
#initialize(project, name = nil, subclasses: project.default_task_superclass) ⇒ TaskContext
Create a new task context in the given project and with the given name. If a block is given, it is evaluated in the context of the newly created TaskContext object.
TaskContext objects should not be created directly. You should use Project#task_context for that.
327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 327 def initialize(project, name = nil, subclasses: project.default_task_superclass) @project = project if subclasses @superclass = if subclasses.respond_to?(:to_str) project.task_model_from_name subclasses else subclasses end @default_activity = @superclass.default_activity.dup @required_activity = @superclass.required_activity? else @superclass = false default_activity 'triggered' @required_activity = false end @implemented_classes = [] @name = name # This is an array, as we don't want to have it reordered # unnecessarily @states = @properties = @attributes = @operations = @output_ports = @input_ports = @dynamic_ports = @event_ports = @initial_state = 'Stopped' @default_extensions = @fixed_initial_state = false @needs_configuration = false ## WARN: this must be kept an array so that the generation order ## WARN: is deterministic @extensions = super() if block_given? instance_eval(&proc) end end |
Instance Attribute Details
#dynamic_ports ⇒ Object (readonly)
A set of Port objects that can be created at runtime
169 170 171 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 169 def dynamic_ports @dynamic_ports end |
#extensions ⇒ Object (readonly)
Set of extensions registered for this task
Extensions are named objects of arbitrary type that can be used to extend the task context model. If they contain a #generate method, this method is also called to add some code generation elements
This is an array (not a hash) so that it keeps order
104 105 106 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 104 def extensions @extensions end |
#implemented_classes ⇒ Object (readonly)
A set of classes the TaskContext has to implement as well
167 168 169 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 167 def implemented_classes @implemented_classes end |
#name ⇒ Object (readonly)
The task name
162 163 164 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 162 def name @name end |
#project ⇒ Project (readonly)
The oroGen project this task is part of
48 49 50 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 48 def project @project end |
#superclass ⇒ Object (readonly)
The subclass of TaskContext which should be used to define this class
165 166 167 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 165 def superclass @superclass end |
#uses_qt ⇒ Object (readonly)
True if QT is used within this Task
172 173 174 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 172 def uses_qt @uses_qt end |
Class Method Details
.apply_default_extensions(task_context) ⇒ Object
Apply the currently enabled default extension on the given task context model
89 90 91 92 93 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 89 def apply_default_extensions(task_context) default_extensions.each do |ext| task_context.send(ext) end end |
.blank(name = nil) ⇒ Object
Returns a blank task context model, possibly with a name
314 315 316 317 318 319 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 314 def self.blank(name = nil) loader = project = project.default_task_superclass = false, name) end |
.default_extensions ⇒ Object
The set of extensions that should be applied when a task context is created
83 84 85 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 83 def default_extensions @default_extensions_state.last end |
.pop_default_extensions_state ⇒ Object
Pop the extensions enabled at this level, reverting to the list before the last call to #push_default_extensions_state
77 78 79 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 77 def pop_default_extensions_state @default_extensions_state.pop if @default_extensions_state.size > 1 end |
.push_default_extensions_state(extensions) ⇒ Object
Make the given list of extensions the default until the next #pop_default_extensions_state
Default extensions are the extensions that are enabled when a task context is created. This method allows to locally override the set of extensions
71 72 73 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 71 def push_default_extensions_state(extensions) @default_extensions_state.push(extensions.dup) end |
Instance Method Details
#abstract ⇒ Object
Call to declare that this task model is not meant to run in practice
176 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 176 def abstract; @abstract = true; end |
#abstract? ⇒ Boolean
True if this task model is only meant to declare an interface, and should not be deployed
179 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 179 def abstract?; @abstract end |
#all_ports ⇒ Object
1126 1127 1128 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 1126 def all_ports all_input_ports + all_output_ports end |
#ancestors ⇒ Object
Returns the task context models that are in this model's ancestry
379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 379 def ancestors m = self result = [self] while m = m.superclass result << m end result end |
#attribute(name, type, default_value = nil) ⇒ Object
:method: self_attributes :call-seq:
self_attributes -> set_of_attributes
Returns the set of attributes that are added at this level of the model hierarchy. I.e. attributes that are defined on this task context, but not on its parent models.
534 535 536 537 538 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 534 def attribute(name, type, default_value = nil) @attributes[name] = att = configuration_object(Attribute, name, type, default_value) Spec.load_documentation(att, /attribute/) att end |
#check_uniqueness(name) ⇒ Object
Raises ArgumentError if an object named name
is already
present in the set attribute set_name
This is an internal helper method
454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 454 def check_uniqueness(name) # :nodoc: obj = find_input_port(name) || find_output_port(name) || find_operation(name) || find_property(name) || find_attribute(name) if obj raise ArgumentError, "#{name} is already used in the interface of #{}, as a #{obj.class}" end end |
#configuration_object(klass, name, type, default_value) ⇒ Object
540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 540 def configuration_object(klass, name, type, default_value) name = OroGen.verify_valid_identifier(name) check_uniqueness(name) begin type = project.find_interface_type(type) rescue Typelib::NotFound => e raise ConfigError, "invalid type #{type}: #{e.}", e.backtrace end if default_value accepted = [Numeric, Symbol, String, TrueClass, FalseClass]. any? { |valid_klass| default_value.kind_of?(valid_klass) } if !accepted raise ArgumentError, "default values for #{} can be specified only for simple types (numeric, string and boolean)" end begin Typelib.from_ruby(default_value, type) rescue Typelib::UnknownConversionRequested => e raise ArgumentError, e., e.backtrace end end, name, type, default_value) end |
#default_activity ⇒ Object
:method: default_activity :call-seq:
default_activity 'activity_type', *args
The kind of activity that should be used by default. This is the name of the corresponding method on the deployment objects (:periodic, :aperiodic, :slave, :irq_driven, :fd_driven)
This is a default value, i.e. the use of such an activity is not mandatory. If #required_activity is set to true, then this activity is the only kind of activity that can be used with this task context.
See also #required_activity
292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 292 dsl_attribute :default_activity do |type, *args| if required_activity? && @default_activity raise ArgumentError, "the #{default_activity[0]} activity is required, you cannot change it" end type = type.to_sym if !ACTIVITY_TYPES.has_key?(type) raise ArgumentError, "#{type} is not a valid activity type" end [type, *args] end |
#define_state(name, type) ⇒ Object
Internal method for state definition
647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 647 def define_state(name, type) # :nodoc: name = name.to_s type = type.to_sym if !STATE_TYPES.include?(type) raise ArgumentError, "unknown state type #{type.inspect}" end if !extended_state_support? && (type != :toplevel) extended_state_support end if kind = state_kind(name.to_s) if kind != type raise ArgumentError, "state #{name} is already defined as #{kind}, cannot overload into #{type}" end else @states << [name, type] if type != :toplevel @states = @states.sort_by { |n, _| n } end end end |
#doc ⇒ Object
:method: doc :call-seq:
doc => string
doc "documentation string"
Gets or sets the documentation string for this task context
60 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 60 dsl_attribute :doc |
#dynamic_input_port(name, type) ⇒ Object
dynamic_input_port name_regex, typename
Declares that a port whose name matches name_regex can be declared at runtime, with the type. This is not used by orogen himself, but can be used by potential users of the orogen specification.
1200 1201 1202 1203 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 1200 def dynamic_input_port(name, type) dynamic_ports <<, name, type) dynamic_ports.last end |
#dynamic_output_port(name, type) ⇒ Object
dynamic_output_port name_regex, typename
Declares that a port whose name matches name_regex can be declared at runtime, with the type. This is not used by orogen himself, but can be used by potential users of the orogen specification.
1211 1212 1213 1214 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 1211 def dynamic_output_port(name, type) dynamic_ports <<, name, type) dynamic_ports.last end |
#dynamic_port ⇒ Object
:method: self_dynamic_ports :call-seq:
self_dynamic_ports -> set_of_ports
Returns the set of dynamic ports that are added at this level of the model hierarchy. I.e. ports that are defined on this task context, but not on its parent models.
892 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 892 enumerate_inherited_set("dynamic_port", "dynamic_ports") |
#each_dynamic_input_port(only_self = false) ⇒ Object
:method: each_dynamic_input_port :call-seq:
each_dynamic_port(only_self = false) { |port| }
Yields all dynamic input ports that are defined on this task context.
837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 837 def each_dynamic_input_port(only_self = false) return enum_for(:each_dynamic_input_port, only_self) if !block_given? each_dynamic_port do |port| if port.kind_of?(InputPort) yield(port) end end end |
#each_dynamic_output_port(only_self = false) ⇒ Object
:method: each_dynamic_output_port :call-seq:
each_dynamic_output_port(only_self = false) { |port| }
Yields all dynamic output ports that are defined on this task context.
852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 852 def each_dynamic_output_port(only_self = false) return enum_for(:each_dynamic_output_port, only_self) if !block_given? each_dynamic_port do |port| if port.kind_of?(OutputPort) yield(port) end end end |
#each_extension(with_subclasses = true, &block) ⇒ Object
Enumerates the extensions registered on this task model, as (name, extension_object) pairs
122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 122 def each_extension(with_subclasses = true, &block) if !block_given? return enum_for(:each_extension, with_subclasses) end seen = klass = self begin klass.extensions.each do |ext| if !seen.include?( seen << yield(ext) end end klass = klass.superclass end while (klass && with_subclasses) end |
#each_interface_type ⇒ Object
Enumerate all the types that are used on this component's interface
1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 1414 def each_interface_type return enum_for(__method__) if !block_given? seen = (all_properties + all_attributes + all_operations + all_ports + all_dynamic_ports). each do |obj| if !seen.include?(obj) obj.each_interface_type { |t| yield(t) } seen << obj end end end |
#each_port(&block) ⇒ Object
Enumerates both the input and output ports
1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 1135 def each_port(&block) if !block_given? return enum_for(:each_port, &block) end each_input_port(&block) each_output_port(&block) end |
#each_state(with_superclass: true) {|name, type| ... } ⇒ Object
Enumerates each state defined on this task context.
726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 726 def each_state(with_superclass: true, &block) return enum_for(__method__) if !block if superclass && with_superclass superclass.each_state(&block) end @states.each(&block) end |
#error_states(*state_names) ⇒ Object
Declares a certain number of runtime error states
This method will do nothing if it defines a state that is already defined by one of the superclasses.
See #runtime_states, #exception_states, #each_state, #each_error_state
779 780 781 782 783 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 779 def error_states(*state_names) state_names.each do |name| define_state(name, :error) end end |
#exception_states(*state_names) ⇒ Object
Declares a certain number of exception states
This method will do nothing if it defines a state that is already defined by one of the superclasses.
See #runtime_states, #fatal_states, #error_states, #each_state, #each_error_state
791 792 793 794 795 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 791 def exception_states(*state_names) state_names.each do |name| define_state(name, :exception) end end |
#extended_state_support ⇒ Object
Asks orogen to implement the extended state support interface in the Base class. This adds:
* a 'state' output port in which the current task's state is written
* an enumeration type named CLASS_NAME_STATES in which one value
is defined for each states
Note that, for all of this to work, it is actually required that all the hooks overloaded in the task's class call their parent in the call chain.
612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 612 def extended_state_support state_port = find_port("state") if state_port if state_port.kind_of?(InputPort) raise ArgumentError, "there is already an input port called 'state', cannot enable extended state support" elsif state_port.type != project.find_type("/int32_t") raise ArgumentError, "there is already an output port called 'state', but it is not of type 'int' (found #{state_port.type_name}" end else output_port('state', '/int32_t'). triggered_once_per_update end # Force typekit generation. The typekit code will take care of # generating the state enumeration type for us project.typekit(true) @extended_state_support = true end |
#extended_state_support? ⇒ Boolean
True if the extended state support is enabled
635 636 637 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 635 def extended_state_support? @extended_state_support || (superclass.extended_state_support? if superclass) end |
#extension(name, with_subclasses = true) ⇒ Object
Returns the extension named name
, or raises ArgumentError if
none is registered with that name
151 152 153 154 155 156 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 151 def extension(name, with_subclasses = true) if ext = find_extension(name, with_subclasses) ext else raise ArgumentError, "no extension registered under the name '#{name}'" end end |
#external_definition=(value) ⇒ Object
True if this task context is defined by one of our dependencies.
311 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 311 attr_predicate :external_definition?, true |
#external_definition? ⇒ Boolean
True if this task context is defined by one of our dependencies.
311 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 311 attr_predicate :external_definition?, true |
#fatal_states(*state_names) ⇒ Object
Declares a certain number of fatal error states
This method will do nothing if it defines a state that is already defined by one of the superclasses.
See #runtime_states, #error_states, #each_state, #each_error_state
803 804 805 806 807 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 803 def fatal_states(*state_names) state_names.each do |name| define_state(name, :fatal) end end |
#fd_driven ⇒ Object
Declares that this task context is designed to be woken up when new data is available on a I/O file descriptor. The resulting task must also use the fd_driven activity, which is done by default.
The only thing you have to do in the implementation is therefore
task = task("MyDFDrivenTask").
To configure the activity, you will need to declare the FDs you want to watch in the configureHook():
RTT::extras::FileDescriptorActivity* fd_activity =
if (fd_activity)
Don't forget to remove all watches in cleanupHook with
RTT::extras::FileDescriptorActivity* fd_activity =
if (fd_activity)
1312 1313 1314 1315 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 1312 def fd_driven default_activity "fd_driven" needs_configuration end |
#fd_driven? ⇒ Boolean
True if this task context's default activity is a FD-driven activity
1318 1319 1320 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 1318 def fd_driven? default_activity.first == :fd_driven end |
#find_dynamic_input_ports(name, type) ⇒ Object
Returns the set of dynamic input port definitions that match the given name
and type pair. If type
is nil, the type is ignored in the
1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 1227 def find_dynamic_input_ports(name, type) if type type = project.find_type(type) end each_dynamic_input_port.find_all { |p| (!type || !p.type || p.type == type) && === name } end |
#find_dynamic_output_ports(name, type) ⇒ Object
Returns the set of dynamic output port definitions that match the given
name and type pair. If type
is nil, the type is ignored in the
1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 1244 def find_dynamic_output_ports(name, type) if type type = project.find_type(type) end each_dynamic_output_port.find_all { |p| (!type || !p.type || p.type == type) && === name } end |
#find_extension(name, with_subclasses = true) ⇒ Object
Returns the extension named name
, or nil if there is none
141 142 143 144 145 146 147 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 141 def find_extension(name, with_subclasses = true) if result = extensions.find { |ext| == name } result elsif with_subclasses && superclass superclass.find_extension(name, true) end end |
#find_port(name, type = nil) ⇒ Object
Finds a port with the given name, and optionally type
Returns nil if there are none
See also #find_input_port and #find_output_port
1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 1149 def find_port(name, type = nil) p = find_input_port(name) || find_output_port(name) if !type || (p && p.type == type) return p end end |
#fixed_initial_state ⇒ Object
Declares that the initial state of this class cannot be specified. For orogen-declared tasks, it is the same as #needs_configuration?. This mechanism is here for classes that have not been generated by orogen and either have a no way to specify the initial state, or a non-standard one.
1379 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 1379 def fixed_initial_state; @fixed_initial_state = true end |
#fixed_initial_state? ⇒ Boolean
If true, then the initial state of this class cannot be specified. For orogen-declared tasks, it is the same as #needs_configuration?. This mechanism is here for classes that have not been generated by orogen and either have a no way to specify the initial state, or a non-standard one.
1372 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 1372 def fixed_initial_state?; @fixed_initial_state || needs_configuration? || (superclass.fixed_initial_state? if superclass) end |
#has_dynamic_attributes? ⇒ Boolean
Return true if this task interface has an dynamic property.
1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 1187 def has_dynamic_attributes? self_attributes.each do |p| return true if p.dynamic? end return false end |
#has_dynamic_input_port?(name, type = nil) ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if there is an input port definition that match the given name
and type pair. If type
is nil, the type is ignored in the
1237 1238 1239 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 1237 def has_dynamic_input_port?(name, type = nil) !find_dynamic_input_ports(name, type).empty? end |
#has_dynamic_output_port?(name, type = nil) ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if an output port of the given name and type could be created at runtime.
1253 1254 1255 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 1253 def has_dynamic_output_port?(name, type = nil) !find_dynamic_output_ports(name, type).empty? end |
#has_dynamic_port?(name, type) ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if there is a dynamic port definition that matches the given name and type pair.
If type
is nil, the type is ignored in the matching.
1220 1221 1222 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 1220 def has_dynamic_port?(name, type) has_dynamic_input_port?(name, type) || has_dynamic_output_port?(name, type) end |
#has_dynamic_properties? ⇒ Boolean
Return true if this task interface has an dynamic property.
1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 1179 def has_dynamic_properties? self_properties.each do |p| return true if p.dynamic? end return false end |
#has_extension?(name, with_subclasses = true) ⇒ Boolean
True if an extension with the given name has been registered
107 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 107 def has_extension?(name, with_subclasses = true); !!find_extension(name, with_subclasses) end |
#has_input_port?(name) ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if this task interface has a port named 'name'. If a type is given, the corresponding port will be matched against that type as well
1166 1167 1168 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 1166 def has_input_port?(name) !!find_input_port(name) end |
#has_output_port?(name) ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if this task interface has a port named 'name'. If a type is given, the corresponding port will be matched against that type as well
1173 1174 1175 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 1173 def has_output_port?(name) !!find_output_port(name) end |
#has_port?(name, type = nil) ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if this task interface has a port named 'name'. If a type is given, the corresponding port will be matched against that type as well
1159 1160 1161 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 1159 def has_port?(name, type = nil) !!find_port(name, type) end |
#has_property?(name) ⇒ Boolean
True if this task has a property with that name
585 586 587 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 585 def has_property?(name) !!find_property(name) end |
#hidden_operation(name, body = nil) ⇒ Object
Defines an operation whose implementation is in the Base class (i.e. “hidden” from the user)
820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 820 def hidden_operation(name, body=nil) op = operation(name) op.hidden = true if body OroGen.warn "body argument for hidden_operation '#{}'.'#{name}' is deprecated, please set the body during generation phase" OroGen.warn "If you call this from a plugin, define the implementation within your :early_register_for_generation method" op.base_body(body) end op end |
#implements(name, include_file = nil) ⇒ Object
Declares that this task context is also a subclass of the following class.
does not have to be a task context class.
217 218 219 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 217 def implements(name, include_file = nil) @implemented_classes << [name, include_file] end |
#implements?(name) ⇒ Boolean
True if the task context implements a parent class which matches
. name
can either be a string or a regular
223 224 225 226 227 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 223 def implements?(name) ancestor_names = == name || ancestor_names.include?(name) end |
#initialize_copy(from) ⇒ Object
375 376 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 375 def initialize_copy(from) end |
#input_port(name, type, options = ⇒ Object
input_port 'name', '/type'
Add a new write port with the given name and type, and returns the corresponding InputPort object.
See also #output_port
918 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 918 enumerate_inherited_map("input_port", "input_ports") |
#inspect ⇒ Object
159 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 159 def inspect; to_s end |
#loader ⇒ Loaders::Base
The loader that has been used to load this task context
52 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 52 def loader; project.loader end |
#make_property_dynamic(name) ⇒ Property
Make an existing property dynamic
592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 592 def make_property_dynamic(name) prop = find_property(name) if !prop raise ArgumentError, "The requested property " + name + " could not be found" end property = @properties[name] = prop.dup property.task = self property.dynamic property end |
#merge_ports_from(other_model, name_mappings = ⇒ Object
Add in self
the ports of other_model
don't exist.
Raises ArgumentError if other_model
has ports whose name is
used in self
, but for which the definition is different.
470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 470 def merge_ports_from(other_model, name_mappings = other_model.each_port do |p| if target_name = name_mappings[] p = p.dup p.instance_variable_set(:@name, target_name.to_str) end if has_port?( self_port = find_port( if self_port.class != p.class raise ArgumentError, "cannot merge as #{} is a #{self_port.class} in #{self} and a #{p.class} in #{other_model}" elsif self_port.type != p.type raise ArgumentError, "cannot merge as #{} is of type #{self_port.type} in #{self} and of type #{p.type} in #{other_model}" end elsif p.kind_of?(OutputPort) @output_ports[] = p elsif p.kind_of?(InputPort) @input_ports[] = p end end other_model.each_dynamic_port do |p| existing = each_dynamic_port.find_all do |self_p| == end if !existing.any? { |self_p| self_p.type == p.type } self.dynamic_ports << p.dup end end end |
#needs_configuration ⇒ Object
Declares that this task needs to be configured before it is started (i.e. its initial state will be PreOperational instead of Stopped).
If #fixed_initial_state? returns true, then this method raises ArgumentError. This is done so that it is possible to declare that some task contexts's implementation require the initial state to be either PreOperational or Stopped.
517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 517 def needs_configuration if superclass && superclass.fixed_initial_state? && !superclass.needs_configuration? raise ArgumentError, "cannot change the start state of this task context: the superclass #{} does not allow it" elsif fixed_initial_state? && !needs_configuration? raise ArgumentError, "cannot change the start state of this task context: #fixed_initial_state has been specified for it" end @needs_configuration = true end |
#needs_configuration? ⇒ Boolean
If true, the task context will start in the PreOperational state, and will not be able to run until configure() has been called and returned true.
When subclassing, it is NOT possible to have a subclass starting in the Stopped state while its superclass starts from PreOperational.
507 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 507 def needs_configuration?; @needs_configuration || (superclass.needs_configuration? if superclass) end |
#new_operations ⇒ Object
Operations that are added by this task context (i.e. operations that are defined there but are not present in the superclass)
1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 1026 def new_operations super_names = @operations.values.find_all do |t| !super_names.include?(t) end end |
#operation(name) ⇒ Object
:operation: self_operations :call-seq:
self_operations -> set_of_operations
Returns the set of operations that are added at this level of the model hierarchy. I.e. operations that are either newly defined on this task context, or overload operations from the parent models.
811 812 813 814 815 816 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 811 def operation(name) name = OroGen.verify_valid_identifier(name) @operations[name] = op =, name) Spec.load_documentation(op, /operation/) op end |
#output_port(name, type, options = ⇒ Object
output_port 'name', '/type'
Add a new write port with the given name and type, and returns the corresponding OutputPort object.
See also #input_port
944 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 944 enumerate_inherited_map("output_port", "output_ports") |
#periodic(period) ⇒ Object
Declares that this task should be deployed using a default periodic activity, with the given period
306 307 308 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 306 def periodic(period) default_activity :periodic, period end |
#port_driven(*names) ⇒ Object
Declares that this task context is designed to be woken up when new data is available on one of the given ports (or all already defined ports if no names are given).
1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 1263 def port_driven(*names) default_activity 'triggered' names = { |n| n.to_s } relevant_ports = if names.empty? then all_input_ports else do |n| obj = find_input_port(n) if !obj if has_output_port?(n) raise ArgumentError, "#{n} is an output port of #{}, only input ports can be used in #port_driven" else raise ArgumentError, "#{n} is not a port of #{}" end end obj end end relevant_ports.each do |port| port.trigger_port = true @event_ports[] = port end end |
#pretty_print(pp) ⇒ Object
404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 404 def pretty_print(pp) pp.text "------- #{name} ------" pp.breakable if doc first_line = true doc.split("\n").each do |line| pp.breakable if !first_line first_line = false pp.text "# #{line}" end pp.breakable pp.text "# " else pp.text "no documentation defined for this task context model" end pp.breakable pp.text "subclass of #{} (the superclass elements are displayed below)" pp.breakable triggers = all_event_ports if !triggers.empty? pp.text "Triggered on input: #{", ")}" pp.breakable end if needs_configuration? pp.text "Needs configuration" else pp.text "Does NOT need configuration" end pp.breakable pretty_print_interface(pp, "Ports", each_port.to_a) pretty_print_interface(pp, "Dynamic Ports", each_dynamic_port.to_a) pretty_print_interface(pp, "Properties", each_property.to_a) pretty_print_interface(pp, "Attributes", each_attribute.to_a) pretty_print_interface(pp, "Operations", each_operation.to_a) extensions.each do |ext| pp.breakable pp.text "Extension: #{}" pp.nest(2) do pp.breakable ext.pretty_print(pp) end end end |
#pretty_print_interface(pp, name, set) ⇒ Object
388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 388 def pretty_print_interface(pp, name, set) if set.empty? pp.text "No #{name.downcase}" else pp.text name pp.nest(2) do set = set.to_a.sort_by { |p| } set.each do |element| pp.breakable element.pretty_print(pp) end end end pp.breakable end |
#property(name, type, default_value = nil) ⇒ Object
:method: self_properties :call-seq:
self_properties -> set_of_properties
Returns the set of properties that are added at this level of the model hierarchy. I.e. properties that are defined on this task context, but not on its parent models.
578 579 580 581 582 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 578 def property(name, type, default_value = nil) @properties[name] = prop = configuration_object(Property, name, type, default_value) Spec.load_documentation(prop, /property/) prop end |
#register_extension(obj) ⇒ Object
Registers an extension with the given name. Raises ArgumentError if there is already one.
111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 111 def register_extension(obj) if (old = find_extension(, false)) && old != obj raise ArgumentError, "there is already an extension called #{}: #{old}" else extensions << obj obj.registered_on(self) end end |
#reports(*state_names) ⇒ Object
Declares a certain number of reports
This method will do nothing if it defines a report that is already defined by one of the superclasses.
757 758 759 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 757 def reports(*state_names) runtime_states(*state_names) end |
#required_activity ⇒ Object
:method: required_activity :call-seq:
required_activity 'activity_type', *args
The kind of activity that must be used for this task context. This is the name of the corresponding method on the deployment objects. See ACTIVITY_TYPES for the list of known activity types.
See also #default_activity
268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 268 dsl_attribute :required_activity do |type, *args| if respond_to?(type.to_sym) send(type.to_sym, *args) else default_activity type, *args end self.required_activity = true end |
#required_activity=(value) ⇒ Object
:method: required_activity?
True if the current value of default_activity is actually required by the task context implementation
256 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 256 attr_predicate :required_activity?, true |
#required_activity? ⇒ Object
:method: required_activity?
True if the current value of default_activity is actually required by the task context implementation
256 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 256 attr_predicate :required_activity?, true |
#ro_ptr(name) ⇒ Object
This method is an easier way use boost::shared_ptr in a task context interface. For instance, instead of writing
input_port 'image', '/RTT/ReadOnlyPointer</Image>'
you can write
input_port 'image', ro_ptr('/Image')
Additionally, this method makes sure that the corresponding type is actually defined on the project's typekit.
1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 1108 def ro_ptr(name) base_type = project.resolve_type(name) full_name = "/RTT/extras/ReadOnlyPointer<#{}>" begin project.resolve_type(full_name) rescue Typelib::NotFound # HACK: this is needed for the codegen part. Will have to go # HACK: away once we migrate the codegen part to the # HACK: loading infrastructure if project.typekit(true).respond_to?(:ro_ptr) project.typekit(true).ro_ptr(name) project.resolve_type(full_name) else raise end end end |
#root_model ⇒ Object
Declares that this task context is a root model and does not have a superclass
211 212 213 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 211 def root_model @superclass = nil end |
#runtime_states(*state_names) ⇒ Object
Declares a certain number of runtime states
This method will do nothing if it defines a state that is already defined by one of the superclasses.
See #error_states, #exception_states, #each_state, #each_runtime_state
767 768 769 770 771 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 767 def runtime_states(*state_names) state_names.each do |name| define_state(name, :runtime) end end |
#self_ports ⇒ Object
1130 1131 1132 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 1130 def self_ports self_input_ports + self_output_ports end |
#shared_ptr(name) ⇒ Object
This method is an easier way use boost::shared_ptr in a task context interface. For instance, instead of writing
input_port 'image', '/boost/shared_ptr</Image>'
you can write
input_port 'image', shared_ptr('/Image')
Additionally, this method makes sure that the corresponding type is actually defined on the project's typekit.
1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 1080 def shared_ptr(name) base_type = project.resolve_type(name) full_name = "/boost/shared_ptr<#{}>" begin project.resolve_type(full_name) rescue Typelib::NotFound # HACK: this is needed for the codegen part. Will have to go # HACK: away once we migrate the codegen part to the # HACK: loading infrastructure if project.typekit(true).respond_to?(:shared_ptr) project.typekit(true).shared_ptr(name) project.resolve_type(full_name) else raise end end end |
#state?(name) ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if the given state name is already used
640 641 642 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 640 def state?(name) state_kind(name) || (superclass.state?(name.to_s) if superclass) end |
#state_kind(name) ⇒ Object
Returns what kind of state name
671 672 673 674 675 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 671 def state_kind(name) # :nodoc: if s = each_state.find { |n, t| n == name } s[1] end end |
#states(*state_names) ⇒ Object
use toplevel_state to define toplevel states on root models, and #each_state to enumerate the states
737 738 739 740 741 742 743 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 737 def states(*state_names) # :nodoc: if state_names.empty? return @states end toplevel_states(*state_names) end |
#subclasses(task_context) ⇒ Object
Declares that this task context is a subclass of the following TaskContext
class. task_context
can either be a class name or a
TaskContext instance. In both cases, it must be defined in the scope of the
enclosing Project object – i.e. either defined in it, or imported by a
Project#using_task_library call.
189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 189 def subclasses(task_context) OroGen.warn_deprecated __method__, "in #{}: use task_context \"Name\", subclasses: \"Parent\" do .. end instead" if task_context.respond_to?(:to_str) if @superclass && (@superclass != project.default_task_superclass) raise OroGen::ConfigError, "#{@name} tries to subclass #{task_context} "+ "while there is already #{}" end @superclass = project.task_model_from_name task_context else @superclass = task_context end if !superclass raise ArgumentError, "no such task context #{task_context}" end @default_activity = @superclass.default_activity.dup @required_activity = @superclass.required_activity? end |
#to_dot ⇒ Object
Generate a graphviz fragment to represent this task
1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 1323 def to_dot html_escape = lambda { |s| s.gsub(/</, "<").gsub(/>/, ">") } html_table = lambda do |title, lines| label = "<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLBORDER=\"1\" CELLSPACING=\"0\">\n" label << " <TR><TD>#{title}</TD></TR>\n" label << " <TR><TD>\n" label << lines.join("<BR/>\n") label << " </TD></TR>\n" label << "</TABLE>" end result = "" result << " node [shape=none,margin=0,height=.1];" label = "" label << "<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLBORDER=\"0\" CELLSPACING=\"0\">\n" label << " <TR><TD>#{name}</TD></TR>" properties = all_properties. map { |p| "#{} [#{html_escape[p.type_name]}]" } if !properties.empty? label << " <TR><TD>#{html_table["Properties", properties]}</TD></TR>" end input_ports = all_ports. find_all { |p| p.kind_of?(InputPort) }. map { |p| "#{} [#{html_escape[p.type_name]}]" } if !input_ports.empty? label << " <TR><TD>#{html_table["Input ports", input_ports]}</TD></TR>" end output_ports =all_ports. find_all { |p| p.kind_of?(OutputPort) }. map { |p| "#{} [#{html_escape[p.type_name]}]" } if !output_ports.empty? label << " <TR><TD>#{html_table["Output ports", output_ports]}</TD></TR>" end label << "</TABLE>" result << " t#{object_id} [label=<#{label}>]" result end |
#to_h ⇒ Hash
Converts this model into a representation that can be fed to e.g. a JSON dump, that is a hash with pure ruby key / values.
The generated hash has the following keys:
name: the name
superclass: the name of this model's superclass (if there is
states: the list of defined states, as formatted by
ports: the list of ports, as formatted by {Port#to_h}
properties: the list of properties, as formatted by
attributes: the list of attributes, as formatted by
operations: the list of operations, as formatted by
1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 1400 def to_h Hash[ name: name, superclass:, states: each_state.to_a, ports:, properties:, attributes:, operations: ] end |
#to_s ⇒ Object
158 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 158 def to_s; "#<OroGen::Spec::TaskContext: #{name}>" end |
#toplevel_states(*state_names) ⇒ Object
Define the state machine's toplevel states, usually used only on a root model
747 748 749 750 751 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 747 def toplevel_states(*state_names) state_names.each do |name| define_state(name, :toplevel) end end |
#type ⇒ Object
:method: each_fatal_state
Enumerates all error states defined for this task context
See also #each_runtime_state, #each_exception_state, #each_error_state and #each_state
705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 705 STATE_TYPES.each do |type| class_eval <<-EOD def each_#{type}_state if block_given? each_state do |name, type| yield(name) if type == :#{type} end else enum_for(:each_#{type}_state) end end EOD end |
#use_qt ⇒ Object
181 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 181 def use_qt; @uses_qt = true; end |
#uses_qt? ⇒ Boolean
182 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 182 def uses_qt?; @uses_qt; end |
#worstcase_processing_time ⇒ Object
:method: worstcase_processing_time :call-seq:
worstcase_processing_time => value
worstcase_processing_time value
Sets or gets the worst-case computation time (i.e. time spent in 'update') for this task context. This should usually not be set in the oroGen file, but in the supervision/deployment code, since the actual computation time will depend on the system.
The time is given in seconds
247 248 249 |
# File 'lib/orogen/spec/task_context.rb', line 247 dsl_attribute :worstcase_processing_time do |value| Float(value) end |